Wednesday 1 April 2009

Blog Every Day April

The first thing I thought when Maureen said she would blog every day in April was: "oh no, here she goes again". Because lets be honest, Maureen has said before she would post every day of .... (fill in the blank) and that never really took off. But then BEDA kind of took off and now she doesn't really have a choice anymore. So I thought: why not join her? So therefore I'm going to blog every day in April as well.

In case there are any people who don't know me I'll introduce myself (and I want to start of easily):
My name is Tobias, I was born on the 18th of April in 1990 (which makes me 18). I was born in Zwolle, but I grew up in Rouveen(which is a town in the Netherlands).
At the moment I live in Zeist and am a student at the University of Utrecht, where I study Mathematics. I wish I could say I'm an excellent student, but I'm not.
I spend most of my free time watching tv and surf the interwebs. I quite like reading (but don't do it nearly enough) and at the moment I'm reading Anything Goes, which is an autobiography about John Barrowman (the guy who plays Captain Jack in Doctor Who), who I absolutely love. I love drinking tea and I love to cook and bake, which I do almost every day (unless I eat leftovers).
And ooh yeah, in case you hadn't guessed, I'm gay (but more about that later).

If there is anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.


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