Saturday, 4 April 2009

April 4th, on which I ask YOU to send me requests of MATHS subjects to blog about.

As a maths student I see it as my task to spread the wonderful knowledge that is mathematics. So that's why I want you (yes, you!) to come up with mathematical for me to blog about. So if you've always wondered about what the hell the number e is, how differential equations work (and how without them there wouldn't have been Enlightenment), why on earth anyone would want to use numbers that don't really exist (aka imaginary or complex numbers), what limits are, why you can't divide by 0, how they encrypt messages or any other mathematical related subjects, don't hesitate to send in your question! I will do my utter best to explain it to you (I am only just a 1st year maths student, so don't expect miracles).

Subjects I thus far already have:
1. How Google works (lovely bit of maths) (requested by me)
2. Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect (requested by Julia)

To end this waay too short blog 2 videos about math:

The always funny Tom Lehrer

A song sung by two guys who look way too fit to be mathematicians

Don't forget to put those requests in the comments below!

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